Piano Lesson on Symbols
In a piano lesson we learn about sheet music symbols.
You find a curved line between two or more notes in a measure
or across two measures.
A SLUR is a curved line next to the note head that indicates
that the group of different notes is to be played legato.
LEGATO is to play together or connected as a group of notes.
A TIE is a curved line between two notes of the same pitch.
An example of this is across two different measures.
You play the note that is in the first measure and
continue to hold down that note through the next measure
for the duration of the note.
Sometimes you find a dot above the notehead.
This is staccato.
STACCATO is to play the note short and with punctuation.
Remember this is not the same as the dot to the side of the notehead which adds length to the note.
You can find a > above the notehead or accent.
The ACCENT is to play the note with much punctuation.
Next in this piano lesson we learn about tempo markings.
At the beginning of the treble clef you find tempo markings.
TEMPO MARKINGS tell you what speed to play the music.
andante=moderately slow
Next, you find markings to tell you at how loud to play the music.
< is the crescendo sign and tells you to play the music
gradually louder
> is the decrescendo sign and tells you to play the music
gradually softer
pianissimo=very soft
mezzo forte=moderately loud
fortissimo=very loud
Next lesson is
Minor Scale
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