Online Piano Course Software Bonus

Hi there. I am Ron Leegee, the ezinearticles author of
How To Tell What Chords To Play When Not In Sheet Music.
If an online piano course is what you are looking for, you can
buy piano course and piano lessons.
I look and find some free bonuses in online piano courses.
In Rocket Piano, you get a solid foundation in the basic
skills to start to play piano, and then instruction on
more advanced intermediate level theory and how to play
popular songs. It is thorough and easy to understand in
the 3 ebooks that come with it. In step by step instructions that are easy to follow, It has a set of audio, 57 videos and 3 instructional ebooks. In the video lessons each one
is taught by Australian music teacher Ruth Searle
and you see her personally show you what to do in each lesson.
That in itself makes Rocket Piano one of the most
popular online piano courses. What I want to tell you
about is all the free bonuses you get with Rocket Piano.
For the free bonus software that comes with this course
you can consider getting it just for the software.
It comes with Jayde Musica which teaches you music notation sight reading in a game. It has Keycelerator which is a game that helps you to look at music notation and find the same notes on the piano keyboard. It has Chordinator which asks you to identify the chords in music notation.
Other software includes the following.
Rocket Piano Metronome to keep time
Perfect Your Pitch Trainer Pro-trains your ear to recognize
different pitches and sounds
For all the free software, and easy to understand lessons,
go to
Rocketpiano online piano lessons
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